Sunday, April 12, 2009

Oh, I could write a sonnet...

...about her Easter bonnet, and about the girl I'm taking to the Easter parade...

In the nursery during the sermon (she doesn't like sitting through them, clearly):

Doesn't she look like such a little girl?

And later, at home:

It's a good thing she was so cute in this dress because I just ruined it this evening. She spit up on it a little and I didn't read the tag and put it in the dryer. Whoops.


  1. You need to start posting more often. These pictures make my day. Oh, I love her!

  2. +Auntie C: will you come do the laundry and dishes while I upload pictures to the blog? ;^D

  3. I love her cheeks! She is too cute! Bummer about the dress, but thank goodness for photos...

  4. I just want to nibble on those little cheeks!

  5. What a beautiful dress! I bet she was stealing the show at church.

    Sorry about the shrinkage, though. Don't feel too bad---I put everything in the dryer and always forget to check....once even this great cashmere sweater that I love(d.)

  6. She has grown from an adorable infant to a beautiful baby.

  7. Awww! She's simply A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E! Sorry you ruined that cute dress but at least you got some good shots of her in it.

  8. You asked for tips in my blog... the tips are: Random Brit arrives in town, beer- lots of it, a chain and a dodge ram 1500 truck... oh and I guess a chainsaw. Makes for good ol' city fun. We do have blinds in the front, they came with the house and are uuuuuugly. The LR only has curtains, neither of which have ever been opened for fear that Marie and Frank will see me. One day (soon) it will be prettier, but all will remian shut off, just call me Mrs. Havisham (sp?)

  9. That dress is beautiful! Almost as cute as her cheeks! ;)


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