Wednesday, January 14, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

This is a treasure from J's baby box. It was sent home with him after he was born in a Navy hopital in Japan in 1973. In order for you to be able to read it, I made it so big that it doesn't fit on the site. So just click on it to see the whole thing.



  1. How funny! And how awesome that this was saved for him.

  2. LOL. You are so funny to post this!
    Loved the pics of Evie, btw. She is such a cutie:)

  3. Aww, I love items stored away in a baby box!!! It so great to have these saved for him!


  4. That's really neat his mother saved that. :)

  5. Amazing keepsake!!!

  6. This is so funny! It's cute the things they use to do. I think now they'd be too afraid of giving things like this out.

  7. Thank you so much for visiting my Blog today & Laughing with me.
    Come back anytime.

  8. Oh my god!! I can read this whole thing because I am Japanese!!! My mom also has kept so many things (the mom/baby notebook that hospital gave her) and I have always loved reading and looking at them because that's the reminder of how much my mom loves me and what she had to go through when I was a newborn..

    Wow!! Thank you sooo much for sharing:)

    Also, thank you so much for supporting my big day past Wednesday - it meant a lot to me.. I really do hope to stay in touch:)

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!


  9. This is so funny!! What a treasure indeed. How hysterical and precious at the same time.

  10. This cracked me up! I would much rather have received this as hospital take-home paperwork than the boring old pamphlets we got. Gyped!

  11. That's pretty cool! Very funny:)

  12. Hilarious "poop" sheet. too funny. Definitely a keeper!

    Here from SITS, nice to meet ya!


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