Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Merry SITSmas!

Well, I said last month that I was going to join SITS this month, and I just read on Kelly's site that there is a good reason for me to follow through: I can definitely use the grand prize of a $200 Target gift card. Who can't?

So, Merry SITSmas to everyone!

And here's a link to my previous post about holiday decorating.

I'm working on a couple of other posts, as Evie allows, so I'll keep this one short. :)


  1. Your baby is absolutely precious!

    Merry SITsmas!

  2. Priceless photo!!! I read a little bit about your struggle with infertility & adoption...so glad you have this amazing little one to love on!

    Merry Christmas SITSter!

  3. How adorable!

    Merry SITSmas!

  4. That is too cute of a photo. One you will cherish forever. Merry Christmas!

  5. Oh my Gosh that is simply precious! Hope your having a great Merry SITSmas day!

  6. Merry Sitsmas may it e filled with love!

  7. VERY cute card!

    A merry Christmas to you!!!

  8. Awwwww! Too ctue!
    Merry SITSmas!

  9. Oh so sweet. That pose is always a good one! Merry SITSMas. Thanks for coming by.

  10. Is that little package for me?! My goodness how absolutely precious is that picture?! Merry SITSmas!

  11. Merry SITSmas a little late! I'm still working my way through the links!

    What a great pic! I know where you got it done because I just took midget there last week! And I have to say YAY for coupons or we'd never get studio pics done because I'm WAAAAY too cheap!

  12. I say you win the prize for the cutest card award!


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